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The Founding FOOLS turned over the reins and the first E-Board was formed.

President Eric DePoto (Charlotte Metro F.O.O.L.S.)

Vice President Eric Hankins (NorCal F.O.O.L.S.)

Treasurer Ellen Brown

Secretary Ben Sheppard (BUCCA F.O.O.L.S.)

Merchandise Lee Hudson (Hommteam F.O.O.L.S.)

Webmaster Sippy Byron (New England F.O.O.L.S.)

Education Trustee Mike Dugan (Suffolk County F.O.O.L.S.)

July 2010

Ben Sheppard left the E-Board and Rich Stack (SouthSide F.O.O.L..S.) took over as Secretary. 


Ellen Brown became the first Membership Trustee.

Rich Stack moved to the position of Treasurer.


The E-Board was downsized to a 5-person board.

President Rich Stack

Vice President Eric Hankins

Secretary/Treasurer Dana Potter (Southern New England F.O.O.L.S.)

Membership Trustee Ellen Brown

Education Trustee Mike Dugan


Rob Fisher (Puget Sound F.O.O.L.S.) takes over as Education Trustee.


Dana Potter steps down from the E-Board.

President Rich Stack

Vice President Bob Faas (Central Maryland F.O.O.L.S.)

Treasurer & Membership Trustee Ellen Brown

Education Trustee Rob Fisher

December 31, 2015

Ellen Brown steps down from the E-Board.

President Rich Stack

Vice President Bob Faas

Secretary Ben Fleagle (Farthest North F.O.O.L.S.)

Treasurer Chris Bednarek (SouthSide F.O.O.L.S.)

Education Trustee Rob Fisher

Webmaster Rob Mitchell (Alamo Area F.O.O.L.S.)


Rich Stack steps down as President.

President Ben Fleagle

Vice President Bob Faas

Secretary Dave Dubowski (Muddy River F.O.O.L.S.)

Treasurer Chris Bednarek

Education Trustee Rob Fisher

Webmaster Rob Mitchell


Rob Fisher steps down as Education Trustee to assume the role of West Coast Representative.

President Ben Fleagle

Vice President Bob Faas

Secretary Dave Dubowski

Treasurer Dana Larkin (Cascade F.O.O.L.S.)

Public Information & Technology (PIT) Chair Chris Bednarek

February 2024

Bob Faas steps down as Vice President & Chris Bednarek assumes the role.


The Regional Representative program was put into place.

West Coast - Rob Fisher

West Central - Jeff Frost (Bon Temps F.O.O.L.S.)

North Central - Mike Buhrow (Cedar Valley F.O.O.L.S.)

East Coast - Rusty Ricker (New England F.O.O.L.S.)

Southeast - Anthony Gillan (Marion County F.O.O.L.S.)

© F.O.O.L.S. International 2024

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